the bitter woman

branding, identity, graphic design
concept & color research, illustrations, project management

illkya acosta
jeremy berkman

the bitter woman, atalie oliva & kateland mckenna

The Bitter Woman is an online platform to build community amongst women of all kinds. It promotes empowerment through catharsis of personal story-telling which encourages healing and vulnerability.

The Bitter Woman (TBW) is a safe space to discuss feminist topics and issues in all their complexity with heavy influences from the "Riot Grrl" movement. My design partner, Jeremy Berkman and I were tasked to create their logo for the launch of their website. 

The logo needed to be gutsy, yet possess a feminine feel with some edge.

Jeremy was primarily responsible for the typography research and selection, layouts, and technical details. I was in charge of art direction (color & illustrations) and project management.

I believe with both of our opposite, yet complimentary minds and approach, we achieved something great together that thrilled our awesome client.

We tried various color combinations, including a more traditional orange and red grapefruit color.
Ultimately, the softer pink and vibrant orange worked out— we even made this monochrome variation.

* (ill-🗝️-ah)